Name: Everett Thomas
First Appearance: X-Men #36, September 1994
Powers/Abilities: Everett has what you call a mutagenic aura which he can stretch out a short distance to synchronize with another mutant's abilities, allowing him to mimic their powers and, in some cases, their physiology. Although he doesn't receive complete instructions on how to use the powers, he does have a good idea, and it's especially helpful if he sees the others using it. He acts on instinct when using them and at times he can use the powers even better than the person he's synching with. Examples of this would be when he used Jubilee's powers to create a massive explosion, and when he used Chamber's powers to fly.
History: Everett Thomas was born to Stan and Ida Thomas in St. Louis, Missouri, two very loving parents who believed that they should also help others who were not of their own blood. They began to adopt other children, bringing them up with their own son, and set a certain amount of moral values in young Everett. Ev was a success in his schooling, having good report cards to make his parents proud, and making a name for himself among his classmates. Everett was never a bully, he never looked down on the little guy. In fact, he treated them just like everyone else, as if they were no different, because that's how he was brought up. An example of this is his friendship with the school janitor, which most high school students wouldn't dare doing because it's not the "cool thing to do."
However, Everett got a good taste of prejudice when he exhibited his mutant powers in public. Somehow, he seemed to emit a high pitched scream that shattered all the windows within a block of where he stood. He didn't know how he did it, but the next thing he knew there were a slew of police officers with guns pointed at him. Unfortunately for them, the menace wasn't Everett, but the collective race known as the Phalanx, who attacked the officers. The Phalanx was after Everett, intent on kidnapping the next generation of mutants and inevitably destroying them. Luckily, he was saved thanks to the help of the White Queen, Sabretooth, Banshee, and Jubilee, who he synched up with, using her powers to create a devastating explosion.
This misfit band of heroes ended up saving the other kids who were attacked by the Phalanx, and from the sacrifice of the girl called Blink, they escaped the menace. Following this, the kids were all relocated to the Massachussettes Academy, where they would train to use their powers, receive a formal education, and act as Generation X, the next generation of X-Men, on the side. Everett is still with the team and remains a class-A student, as well as a strong helping hand out on the field.