Here you will find an assortment of sounds relating to Generation X. For the moment, this focuses on the Generation X telefilm and whatever sounds I can manage to get from the animated X-Men series, specifically those with Jubilee. Hopefully this area will grow over time, as new projects in the entertainment world sprout up for our favorite comic book.
Sounds From the Generation X telefilm
heymom.wav Jubilee: "What am I supposed to say? 'Hey, mom, I think I'm a mutant, but don't worry, I'll study harder.'"
jello.wav Skin: "What happens when you eat jello, ese?" Refrax laughs. Mondo: "Man, you know I don't like jello." Refrax: "I know you don't like jello. Just... it was very funny." Mondo: "I'm still big." Refrax: "You're huge!"
piercing.wav Emma Frost: "At the Academy, you will be required to follow a course of training suited to your mutant abilities and interests." Jubilee: "I'm interested in body piercing."
rocks.wav Kid: "Are you really gonna take off?" Jubilee: "Uh huh. Home sucks, man. Freedom ROCKS."
If you have some sounds you would like to contribute, please contact Trev before submitting them. He's always looking for more things to add to the multimedia project, so you can help too!