Name: Angelo Espinosa
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #317
Powers/Abilities: Skin's epidermus is roughly six feet more than what he needs. That is to say, he has six feet of extra skin, which he can manipulate with his own thoughts. This can allow him to elongate his fingers, somewhat, or he could wrap skin around someone like rope, or even pull a Spider-Man and swing from streetlight. Skin is learning to control his powers more, so he has been showing some minor shape-shitfing powers lately. However, if he tries to do very complicated things, or even compact his skin to make him look more normal, he has been known to receive some bad headaches while doing such things.
History: Angelo Espinosa was born in South Central Los Angeles, which wasn't the best place to live. It was notorious for gang activies, and the usual things many people think of when LA comes into the conversation (minus the celebrities). For this reason, Angelo was never very happy here, and neither was his mother, but they weren't a high income family so this was the best they could get. Unfortunately, things got worse when his father was caught in a crossfire during a drive-by shooting, leaving he and his mother by themselves, trying to survive.
Somehow, Angelo involved himself in a gang, and he didn't seem very happy there either. On one particular night, when he was supposed to take part in a drive-by shooting, two others in his gang were shot, and Angelo knew he couldn't stay here. He faked his own death, leaving his friends and his mother to believe that he had died. The only person that knew about it was his cousin, Gil.
Some time later, he managed to get himself involved in more trouble, when the collective alien race known as the Phalanx began kidnapping the next generation of mutants. Angelo was one of them, along with several others. Luckily, they managed to escape and were rescued with help from Banshee, Sabretooth, the White Queen, and a couple other young mutants. In the end, one of the girls named Blink sacrificed her life to save the rest of them, apparently destroying the Phalanx (for now, of course).
After this, Angelo took on the name Skin, for obvious reasons, and joined the Massachussettes Academy, with some coaxing from Henry McCoy, aka Beast. There he has been learning to control his powers, and also get a formal education in the meantime. And, of course, on the side they act as Generation X, the next generation of X-Men, doing good and getting intro trouble.
At one point, the team found themselves in Los Angeles, where they were hunted by Prime Sentinels during the Operation: Zero Tolerance fiasco. There, they came into contact with Skin's cousin, Gil, and also an old girlfriend of his named Tores, who also believed Angelo was dead. Eventually, they all went their separate ways and moved on. Skin is still with Generation X, and is currently learning to control his powers more and more each day.