Name: Nicole and Claudette St. Croix
First Appearance: Generation X #1(sorta), November 1994
Powers/Abilities: The twins apparently possess powers that can be described as complete mimicry, but only when they join together, merging to make one being. When they merged to create a replacement Monet, they possessed the same personality, physical look, and powers that the real Monet possesses. Later, when they merged together to form Penance once more, they retained the physical appearance, personality likeness (to some extent), and razor-sharp skin and claws. The extent of their powers, however, are unknown, and currently they are taking the shape of Penance, with the aforementioned attributes.
History: Nicole and Claudette St. Croix were two identical twin sisters who loved their older sister, Monet, very much, but scorned their older brother, Marius. When one day Marius transformed Monet into a razor-skinned creature, they felt the need to act as a replacement for their sister, and merged together to take on the look, the personality, and the powers of Monet. It was apparently flawless, aside from the fact that she/they would occasionally experience autistic-like black-outs. And, apparently, their parents believed the twins just vanished.
Later, Marius kidnapped their older sister and secluded himself away from the family. Some time after that, the Phalanx kidnapped her along with several other young mutants, intent on wiping out the next generation of mutants. This brought her in contact with her future teammates of Generation X, and upon defeating this menace with the help of Banshee, the White Queen, Sabretooth, and a girl named Blink, who sacrificed her own life to save the others, the kids stayed together and went under the guidance of Sean Cassidy and Emma Frost at the Massachussettes Academy. There, Generation X was formed, and "Monet" became a part of their ranks as well. One day, the man known as Gateway teleported the real Monet to the Academy, who was still in that strange form, and came to be called Penance, since that was the one word Gateway said when she arrived.
After numerous "visits" from Emplate, it was soon revealed that the Monet they came to know was actually two people, and eventually the curse over their older sister was lifted, freeing her from the Penance form, and letting the true Monet live her life the way she should have been doing. The twins then felt it necessary to take on the form of Penance, and merged together once more, staying with the team to this day.
Odd, isn't it?