
  Monet M
Name: Monet St. Croix
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #316 (sorta), September 1994
Powers/Abilities: Although the full extent to Monet's mutant powers is unknown, thus far she has exhibited such abilities as super strength, flight, and telepathy, all on medium levels, apparently. She also possesses an advanced intellect, but this has been said to not be a power at all, just a natural ability.

History: Monet St. Croix was born to a very wealthy family, which brought about her snobbish and often spoiled behavior. However, this family was not the most normal in the world. In fact, they're probably one of the most unusual, next to the Summers family. Her brother, Marius, wasn't very happy with anything, and Monet stepped over the line a few too many times. So as punishment, Monet was transformed into a form that would eventually be called Penance. If that wasn't weird enough, their younger twin sisters, Nicole and Claudette, merged together to replace their loved sister, taking her place completely.

Much of Monet's past hasn't been revealed, however, besides the obvious feuding between her and her brother. For some time, she went to the hands of her brother, while still in the form of Penance. She was shackled and lived in the shadows, it seemed. Apparently, Marius, then calling himself Emplate, used his mutant powers to feed off of her and gain more energy. But that all ended the day Gateway teleported her to the Massachussettes Academy, soon after Generation X formed. After finally being brought into the complex, thanks to Chamber, she stayed mostly in seclusion. Occasionally, Chamber or Jubilee would speak with her, and she also showed a liking to apples.

When it was revealed that the Monet that was a part of the ranks in Generation X was actually a composite of two identical twins, it was also soon revealed that the real Monet was the girl they came to know as Penance. A bit of confusion passed, with thanks to Emplate intervening, until all went back to normal (sort of), as the true Monet was now free, and her younger twin sisters then took the form of Penance, merging together once more.

Monet is still with the team, along with her sisters, and things are staying a little more normal. For now, anyway.
