Name: Japeth (last name unknown)
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #345
Powers/Abilities: Maggott's entire digestive system is made up of two giant, uh, slugs. The maggots themselves are the real powers, as they can conceivably consume anything (they once ate a bomb, which was nice). Maggott is dependent on these two critters, whom he has named Eenie and Meanie, and they must return back to his digestive system, otherwise he will die, and they will as well, most likely. Once they return to him, Maggott gains enhanced strength as they release energy into his system. Pretty freakin' weird, huh?
History: As a young boy living in poverty in South Africa, Japeth was loved by his family, but he felt like a burden when he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. He knew that his family was struggling as it was, and giving him proper treatment would only complicate things further, so he sought out to do the only thing he believed was right, which was to kill himself. He ventured into the desert, and his little brother tagged along, unbeknownst to Japeth. There, they were on the verge of dying from the heat and lack of fluids, until Magneto appeared and saved the two. It was revealed here that Japeth didn't have cancer, but was a mutant, and his digestive system was what was ailing him, because that was the source of his mutant powers. Magneto wanted him Maggott to join his cause, but Japeth wasn't interested after he saw Magneto slaughter people.
The full story following this is mostly unrevealed, however, but Maggott did seek out the clone of Magneto, called Joseph, under Magneto's directions. Maggott eventually joined the X-Men instead of bringing harm to them and Joseph, but he didn't stay for long. For an even shorter time, he was with Generation X, upon Beast's suggestion, believing that being at the Academy would help him control his mutant powers even better, and this way he could stay with people closer to his age. Maggott gave it a shot, but still felt it wasn't right for him. Where he has ventured off to now is anyone's guess.