Name: Jubilation Lee
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #244, May 1989
Powers/Abilities: Jubilee can fire pyrokinetic blasts of energy from her hands. This can be used to simply light the area, create nifty-looking fireworks, or, at possibly her fullest potential, could level a city block (naturally, that's not going to happen any time soon). Jubilee also has a low-level telepathic ability, and other minor powers have been hinted at, but nothing has been revealed.
History: Jubilation Lee was orphaned at a young age, her parents apparently murdered, forcing her to live mostly on her own and with an orphanage. From here, she attened the Beverly Hills Prep school where she excelled in gymnastics, and it was quickly evident that she was your a-typical California girl who enjoyed rollerblading, hanging out at the malls, and causing lots and lots of trouble with her friends. One such day, she was out with her friend, CynJen (Cynthia Jennifer. Apparently this is a fad and no one told me), and they got into a bit of trouble. The two split up, and the cops followed Jubilee in an alley, where she hid behind some boxes and trash cans. Frightened, Jubilee lashed out and suddenly her powers were seen for the first time, knocking the two men down. She ran away as quickly as she could, even more afraid now.
After that, although she says her and CynJen sort of split up, she didn't mind showing off her powers to friends and strangers alike. But this would soon get her in a little more trouble than ever before, when the M Squad showed up. Called in by the security guards apparently, the M Squad were there to neutralize the threat Jubilee posed. Which was, in a nutshell, just her being a mutant. Thankfully, she got a helping hand in the form of the X-Men, when they showed up via a teleportational jump courtesy of Gateway (the female X-Men that showed up, Rogue, Psylocke, Storm, and Dazzler, were actually just there to do a bit of shopping at first). When it seemed Jubilee was saved, but nowhere to be found, the X-Men decided to head on home. Too bad they didn't look behind them, because Jubilee jumped into the portal with them, now believing she was still in danger and had nowhere else to go.
At the time, the X-Men were in Australia, hiding out, and Jubilee quickly learned that the lives of the X-Men is anything but uneventful. A band of cyborg freaks known as the Reavers attacked the X-Men, quite successfully at first, leaving Wolverine crucified. He may have died, if it wasn't for Jubilee taking him down from there. This action of hers began a friendship with Wolverine that would turn into a father-daughter relationship which still goes on today. Naturally, the X-Men lived through this entire ordeal, and found a new member in their ranks in the form of Jubilee. Unfortunately for her, though, it was often said that she was too young to go on most of the missions, so unless she snuck through the cracks, she was forced to stick around the mansion. This did, however, give her more time to train her abilities, and Wolverine taught her some very useful fighting techniques that were not lost on her.
As Wolverine went through a series of changes, as did the X-Men, a new threat came to surface, known as the Phalanx. The Phalanx, a collective alien race intent on wiping out the next generation of mutants, first posed as the X-Men, but were thwarted, somewhat, by the efforts of Banshee, the White Queen, and Sabretooth, a very unlikely grouping. Jubilee joined the fight as well, and it brought them into contact with another mutant, Everett Thomas, who would soon become known as Synch. This makeshift team of X-Men managed to save the other kids who were captured by the Phalanx, but not without the death of one of them, the girl known as Blink, who sacrificed her own life to save them and defeat the Phalanx.
Since then, the kids all joined together and formed the team Generation X at the Massachussettes Academy, headed by Sean Cassidy and Emma Frost. She's still with the team today, and makes it a habit to remind her classmates that she was once with the X-Men. She's also found some interesting relationships with Everett, but nothing has come of it other than the usual flirtation and the like.