Name: Paige Guthrie
First Appearance: X-Force #33, May 1994
Powers/Abilities: Husk is what you call an omnimorph, able to change her physical characteristics on a whim. However, the way she does this is a little more unusual than what's been seen previously in "shapeshifters." Paige can tear her skin off, revealing a new form underneath. In time, she will have more control over what's revealed under skin when she rips it off, able to work within the situation or environment and give her the powers she needs. In the past, she has taken on various forms, including a gaseous substance, gold, rock, metal, and, after some training found that underneath layers and layers of her skin, she took the form of translucent glass. It has also been shown, some time ago, that she can take the form of other creatures, such as when she changed into a bird. However, her power has never done that since.
History: Paige is the second oldest child in a family of six brothers and sisters, including her older brother Sam, the mutant known as Cannonball, a member of X-Force. After reading about the adventures her older brother had in the New Mutants, Paige couldn't wait to get her mutant powers. After all, she figured that in such a large family as hers, chances were pretty good that there'd be another mutant in the family. After trying several unique methods of getting her powers to reveal themselves, she was so frustrated that she swore to God she'd rip out of her skin if she couldn't find her powers. Incidentally, that's exactly what she did. She didn't understand them at the time, but she was just happy that she was special like her brother.
Paige first came in contact with the X-Men was through X-Force, the team Sam was a part of. Becoming involved with Gamesmaster's attempt to toy and possibly destroy the team, Paige saved the day in the end after solving a riddle the Gamesmaster put before her, through open dialogue (that's right, kids. No fists or nothin'!). X-Force and Paige went home freely, and the next big event in her life was just a short while away.
An collective alien race known as the Phalanx were terrorizing select parts of the world, intent on absorbing and catalogueing the next generation of mutants. Paige was one of these young mutants captured, along with several others. However, the team soon broke from their captives and with the aid of Banshee, Emma Frost, and Sabretooth, as well as Jubilee and another young mutant, Everett Thomas, defeated the Phalanx. This was not done without casualties, though, as one of the fellow captives named Blink gave her life to save the others.
Following this ordeal, the group became an official team of young mutants who would train and control their powers at the Massachussettes Academy, with Sean Cassidy and Emma Frost as Headmasters. Paige, then taking the codename Husk, was intent on being the team leader, and acted as such even though there still hasn't been any sort of official position named. Then she met Jonathon Starsmore, the then latest addition to the school. The two of them started becoming romantically involved with one another, which became more like a rollercoaster. Most recently, Paige has somewhat shed her previous disposition as the team nerd and goody-good, taking more charge in her young life and, still hopefully, of Generation X.