
Issue: #55 - September 1999
Title: "Sins of the Past, Part 1: In Another Man's Shoes"
Creative Team: Jay Faerber (scribe), Terry Dodson (pencils), Rachel Dodson (inks), RS/Comicraft's Salda (letters), Kevin Tinsley (colors).
Pop quiz, hot shot! Name the three required plots to any team book. The get-together, evil clones, and yes, the time-warp (get ready, Frank-N-Furter)! This ish features the last gem of a story (God knows when the clones are a'comin', unless the St. Croix family counts), but with a very interesting twist.
A lot of fans have been clammoring for some recognition in these student's lives, as they rarely, if ever, mention Mondo, Blink, or the Hellions. Well, the Hellions are back, only the kids of Generation X are in their shoes. It begins with everyone waking up from a ratehr powerful telepathic call from the White Queen, and each of them find costumes hauntingly similar to those of the Hellions, Emma's former, and mostly dead, students. Soon, they all learn that while they see each other the way they should, the same can't be said for everyone else. Thanks to a bit of deduction from Jubilee, it turns out that they are reliving the day the Hellions die, with them as the Hellions.
Freaky, eh?
So the team tries to blend in, mingling with Jetstream, a "fellow Hellion," as well as a few members of the X-Men who came on the request of the White Queen (who is acting just like she did in the past, so it's unclear whether she's from this time, or has been thrust into it like the kids). The obligatory fight scene between X-Men and GenX/Hellions ensues, but is soon ended, thanks to Jean Grey. Jetstream takes this opportunity to interrogate a girl who attempted to assassinate Ms. Frost. That's pretty much when all H-E-double hockey sticks breaks loose.
Trevor Fitzroy busts in, on que, it would seem, and another fight breaks out, this time the two teams workiing together. During the fight, it doesn't seem that they're doing so hot in the "preventing the deaths of themselves/the Hellions" area. When suddenly, first blood is drawn, and it's Monet's, from a metal feather of Archangel's. Next thing you know, she's back to normal, surrounded by her unconscious teammates, whcih means two things: They're still suck as the Hellions, and they can be hurt, too! Dun dun dunnnnn!
Quick Thoughts: This story was apparently based off of one done by Jim Lee, Whilce Portacio, and John Byrne, but it's the idea of throwing these kids in the shoes of others who are, really, a lot like them, which makes it even more interesting. Overall, this issue was very entertaining, and, unlike some of the previous issues by Jay, made you think and wonder a little more beyond "how are they going to make it out this time" which is a plus. However, I must take this opportunity to complain about something that's really bugging me. The Dodsons are both great artists, but I just can't get over how Jubilee is drawn and acts like she should be about 15, yet in these skin-tight costumes, looks like one of the guys, if you catch my drift. Now, don't think I want to see her drawn like some deformed Image girl, but this just isn't very realistic, in my mind, and it makes her look like she's 11 or 12, which really bugs me. Can't they just make her age once in a while? Please?
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