
Issue: #30 - September 1997
Title: Some Things Hurt More Than Cars & Girls
Creative Team: James Robinson (story), Chris Bachalo (pencils), Al Vey & Eric Cannon (inks), Marie Javins (colors), Starkings & Comicraft/EM (letters).
Summary/Review: Wooh, daddy-o! Another fun issue with the limited creative team of Robinson and Bachalo. This time, a very unexpected turn happened while Banshee and Ms. Frost were in the process of sort of negotiating with DOA and Emplate. See, after Frosty lost the Hellions to Trevor Fitzroy and was put into a coma, she gained a very new respect for other young mutants, which is a main reason why she became a partner with Banshee. So this proves that she has as much, maybe more, dedication than Sean does to her students, but I didn't think she'd go this far. During a mental and vocal argument over whether or not to take Emplate's deal (which is to trade Penance for the location of the rest of the students, excluding Monet and the litluns), Sean was in the "no-queation-about-it" way, which meant that he was completely against giving over Penny. While on the other end, Queenie-baby had a plan, but Sean was willing to listen because it involved handing Penny over to the same man that tortured her for an unknown amount of time. So what do you do when something like this arises? Take out the other. Yup, Victoria's Secret's number one shopper knocked Cassidy out with a psychic blast and continued with the deal. That was... not nice. And Cassidy's gonna be pissed.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the country, the other kids make their way into a safehouse, compliments of Tores. But wasn't just any big ol' warehouse, oh no. This one was filled to the neck in cars, motorcycles, and the like, which put the team in a good mood because they both reminded them of their homes in some or another and were just fascinated by the mere presence of some. Thankfully, Chamber got some sense knocked into him by Monet when he blew Paige off because he thought her and Skin had a li'l sump'in sump'in goin on. So he was a good british boy and went and apologized, then taking her arm as they checked out more cars. *sniff* C'est amore! Anyhoo, to rip the fun out of this happy moment, those nutty Prime Sentinels were waiting outside the place, multiplying as time went on. Due to this, Ev m'boy got a bit scared that he wasn't going to get a license, or meet the Black Panther, or *gulp* kiss a girl! So, uh, he asked M, the perty girl that she is, if she'd mind if they sorta, uh, went out with a bang. She agreed ('cause she hasn't kissed a guy, anyhow), under the terms that if they live through this, it doesn't count. Then, BAM, a big smack-a-roo right on the lips. Ah, l'amore, it is beau-ti-ful, no? Oui.
Meanwhile again.... I think Jubes is losin' it. Too many days couped up in that cell, I guess. Luckily, Daria, who is actually one of two (maybe more) Daria's at the Operation: Zero Tolerance base, decided that she is a freak. So what do freaks do? Help other freaks. Que? It means she wants to help Jubes get out of here, and from the looks of it, Daria's goin' too. Woohoo! It's party time! Uh, maybe not.
Quick Thoughts: Last issue I said I liked the cartoony style. This issue, I'm not going back on my word, but I have to comment that it is getting somewhat out of control in some instances. If you look at the early issues of Generation X and then compare it to this one, it's amazing how much an artist can change in ways, something I've really never seen before, but I still think it's good. On another note, I like the way the story is going. The subplot with Penance and Emplate is really interesting and trying, while the main focus has a good deal of action and intrigue. Let's just hope it stays that way.
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