
Issue: #23 - January 1997
Title: For All This We Give Thanks
Creative Team: Scott Lobdell (story), Mitch Byrd (pencils), Jason Martin & Karl Story (inks), Steve Buccellato (colors), Starkings & Comicraft (letters).
Summary/Review: What a jerk. Chamber has got to be the dumbest mutant alive.
In this issue, Paige invites Jono to her place for Thanksgiving and throughout the entire issue, all Jono did was complain, whine, and complain some more. I swear, this guy is such a downer. It's always "I'm a freak, I have a hole in my chest. Blah blah blah." So finally Paige said what I've been waiting for; she told him off. She still likes him, but it's not gonna last if he keeps this crap up.
Also, Banshee tried to get Monet to go to the doctor's after finding she may be autistic. She refused, turned on the tears, and Sean backed down. Sap.
Oh yeah, Bastion's getting closer and closer to GenX and a mysterious figure is already lurking...
Note: Whoever this artist is, I hope he doesn't pencil for GenX again. Look at it and you'll see why. It wasn't entirely bad, but it was awfully bothersome to me.
Quick Thoughts: I'm not a person who judges books based on the art and art alone. Granted, the art really does make the book in some respects, and without it... well, it wouldn't be a comic book then, now would it? But I can't ignore it in this case. This art is absolutely... Okay, that's sounding mean, and that's not really fair since I can't draw worth the snot coming out of my nose, so I'll say that it's absolutely... not that great. And it sort of ruined the story for me (which was, again, another little issue that only slightly leads up to the big event coming on the horizon).
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