
Issue: #21 - November 1996
Title: To Live And Die And Molt In L.A.
Creative Team: Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (artist), Joe Pimentel (inks), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (letters), The Bucce (colors).
Summary/Review: Tests. Ergh. Tests and Jubilee... no match.
Beast pops in to oversee the exams distributed to the kids. While administrating this, he finds Monet's "spells" are not the cause of her mutant power, but she is, in fact, autistic. Hmmm.
Meanwhile, Jono and Howard (the Duck) get into a bar fight back at Skin's hometown o' LA. It's also revealed while Skin's disguised as an old man sitting on a bench, that Skin is dead. Or, rather, many people think. His name is on a tombstone, afterall.
Special Note: Check out the groovin doodles made by our girl, Jubilee, in this issue. Real cool.
Quick Thoughts: Hey, guess what? Generation X is comprised of kids! And you know what kids do? They go to school! Finally, we see that even the super-powered folk need to take tests, albeit some strange ones, and those administered by a blue-furred genius (and man, do I love how Bachalo draws Beast). Another small issue, but good nonetheless.
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