
Issue: #20 - October 1996
Title: Bodies In Motion
Creative Team: Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (artist), Mark Buckingham (inks), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (letters), Team Bucce & Malibu (colors).
Summary/Review: Back to the school with ye. It's a whole big get together back at the Academy. The kids needed a little downtime after all that's happened (Onslaught, Emplate, etc.), so they have a barbecue. Banshee tries to comfort Paige who's worried about the future, and after Ms. Frost's salad attacks her, she and Monet share a moment with some Almond Rocha. Penance eats all the food and shows some scars on her face, Jubes tried to save Ev from his evil chip-hogging ways, and Franklin Richards joins the Academy. In the meantime, Skin and Jono hitchhike across the US and are picked up by... Howard the Duck?! Yup.
Also, the head of Operation: Zero Tolerance, Bastion, is doing some checkin' up on our friends of GenX.
Quick Thoughts: A nice, small, quaint issue here. Again, nothing earth-shattering happened, but it was somewhat fun. Still, though, I'm starting to yearn for a little more action...
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