
Issue: #19 - September 1996
Title: Don't Wait Up...
Creative Team: Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (artist), Mark Buckingham (inks), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (letters), Team Bucce & Malibu (colors).
Summary/Review: Only Chris Bachalo could make a bunch of little frogs look so menacing.
Due to the psionic backwash caused by that nasty Onslaught, we had fun in this issue. Yes, fun. The kids played dress-up first. Jubes as a gangster, M as a cheerleader, Paige a clown, and Ev as one hip 70's cat, dig my jive? Coo'.
Toad (remember him?) has been hangin out at Frost's place, too. Noticing the odd goings on, he decided to make his move with his carnivirous froggies and toaders. Didn't work. They (the frogs and toads) ran away after Ms. Frost gained control over her mind back (she was protecting the kids sub-consciously from Onslaught and so she was kinda whacked up, too). Also, Sasquatch (remember him? Alpha Flight?) popped in with Banshee to save the kids two minutes too late. Then everyone hugs. *sniff*
Quick Thoughts: Nothing earth-shattering happened in this ish, and nothing colossally amazing happened either. Not much was revealed, not a whole lot happened. It was overall, a small story. But you know what? Despite all that, I really enjoyed it. This had a lot of fun in it that most of those other X-books out there are lacking, so for this reason I'm giving it a high score.
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