
Issue: #18 - August 1996
Title: For the Sake of the Children
Creative Team: Scott Lobdell (writer), Chris Bachalo (artist), Mark Buckingham (inks), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (letters), Steve Buccellato & Malibu Enhancement (colors).
Summary/Review: Hehehe, this one's fun. It starts off on Ms. Frost's private jet, with Paige typing a letter to her bro, Cannonball, Monet in a catatonic state again, pealing the styrofoam from a pop can, and Jubilee trying to get the bubbles that Ev so selfishly uses. Then, as a suggestion from Ms. Frost, Banshee takes a step outside. OUTSIDE. At 30,000 feet.
Ms. Frost continues her trek off-course, now towards Canada, after Synch was saved by the evil open door that Mr. Cassidy left open (Ev was tied up, literally, thanks to Jubes [those bubbles are addictive]). When they arrive in Canada, the kids are suspicious of Ms. Frost's plans. So, they sense some bad karma coming from Queenie and attack, only to be defeated easily. Then they go to her super-big house and act like 8-year olds.
Meanwhile, Skin and Chamber are still on their way to Westchester to see Prof. X. Also, Mondo is seen talking to an unseen person. Freaky.ead the AoA version of GenX, Generation Next). Then Bishop arrives to woop some more booty.
Quick Thoughts: This was a real cool issue. It focused mostly on a single scene and happening, yet it wasn't boring, to read or to look at. This is usually something difficult to do. Most pieces are written with at least two occurances going on, yet this one develops, much later, a very small sub-story that's hardly anything separate. Say what you will about Lobdell's tendency to let things dangle, but you can't deny that the man has a lot of talent, at least with the single issues.
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