
Issue: #17 - July 1996
Title: The Teeth of Our Skin
Creative Team: Scott Lobdell & Stan Lee (writers), Chris Bachalo (artist), Mark Buckingham (inks), Richard Starkings & Comicraft (letters), Steve Buccellato & Malibu Enhancement (colors).
Summary/Review: Good issue. Very good. Bachalo makes his return (finally) and it certainly shows here. The entire issue is mostly filled with a wonderful fight between Skin and the X-Cutioner, who thinks that Skin killed Angelo Espinosa and is therefore on a mission to kill Skin (note: Skin IS Angelo Espinosa. How does this work? X-Cutioner's a dummy). As I said, everything in here is just a little Stan Lee guy popping in everywhere and Skin playing with X. But, boy is it fun!. Check it out.
Quick Thoughts: Praise Buddha! Bachalo is back! Not that Grummett or the othe fill-in artists were bad (okay, a couple of them were horrible), but Bachalo fits this book like a glove, and it is so wonderful to see him finally return, and in all-out style. Not only that... but Mark Buckingham is back solo, working with Bachalo's art. I know, I know. It's not just the pretty pictures that make up the entertainment value, but lemme tell ya, in this case, it certainly doesn't hurt!
Now on another note... the story was also excellent. It was simple, yes, and it was just Skin and the X-Cutioner, but man was it a good fight. GenX hasn't had an ish this good in a while.
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