Name: Unrevealed
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #252
Powers/Abilities: It's never really been said that Gateway is a mutant, but he does exhibit a number of powers. However, these all seem to stem from mystical devices he has, the most prominent of them being a bullroarer which allows him and others to teleport.
History: Gateway is one of the most mysterious persons in the mutant universe. Little is known of his past until he got rescued from a gang of cyborgs known as the Reavers in Australia by the X Men. The Reavers used him to create gateways between distant places in space, moving thus from their base to any point on the planet (until now, he hasn't showed the ability of opening those gates to other worlds or through time) As the X Men rested in the former Reavers' base, Gateway stayed with them, always sitting in a hill in silence. He helped them with his power, but it seems that he had a bigger scheme in mind and was preparing his players, for he brought Jubilee to the X Men and was the mentor of the also mysterious M in the past, knowing the truth about her and Emplate.
When Banshee and Emma Frost were chosen by Xavier to teach Generation X, Gateway appeared (apparently due to
Emplate's return) in the biosphere, and wanders by the Academy at will. It was he who brought Penance to the Academy from
her prison.
Until now, he has only been seen speaking three times : to Jubilee, Chamber (psionically), and to the group, as Penance arrived
(just one word : 'Penance'). However, he somehow comunicates with M. He also recently left the team, for how long, no one
knows. Gateway just comes and goes when he feels he needs to be there. Apparently, his time with Generation X is over for