Name: Emma Frost
First Appearance: Uncanny X-Men #129, May 1980
Powers/Abilities: Emma Frost is one of the most powerful telepaths on the planet, which gives her immense control over her own mind, and the minds of others. She can send bolts of psychic energy to render people unconscious, erase and create memories without them ever knowing it, and, naturally, communicate and read the minds of others. Other telepaths will have a difficult time reading her thoughts as well, since she has a constant shield over her own mind preventing such things. However, Professor Xavier and others in the same mental class could go toe-to-toe with her, but her younger sister, Adrienne, is completely immune to her powers. Emma has also shown some telekinetic abilities recently, but the extent of which are uncertain.
History: Emma Frost was born to a very wealthy and upper class family in Boston, Massachusettes, but was shunted from that "loving" atmosphere when her parents couldn't deal with the fact that their eldest daughter heard voices. Sending her to a mental institution before she would even reach High School, Emma became traumatized by her new surroundings, which gave her a very fragmented look on reality, and causing her to do some... well, not very nice things. The first of which was escaping the asylum she was placed in, which she did with the aid of some orderlies she mentally controlled. The scene wasn't very pretty, and it soon left her on the streets. However, her family name allowed her access to certain priveleged parties, where she gleaned information from the minds of others, giving her an edge in the business and economic world, investing in this stock and that, selling at the right time, buying just the same. She created a fortune for herself, and also inherited a large sum from her parents.
Money was not enough, though, and Emma craved power, which she obtained through the Hellfire Club of New York City. The same night she was invited to join the exclusive club, she had an interesting confrontation with the mutant who would one day be known as the Dark Beast, an alternate version of this world's Henry McCoy, the Beast of the X-Men. This confronation also lead to a meeting with Sean Cassidy, then a member of the NYPD. Emma eventually gained the title of White Queen within the Hellfire Club, a title which she kept for years after, bringing her into contact with the X-Men a number of times, all rather unfriendly.
One of her most prominent acts while she was the White Queen of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle was the formation of a group of young mutants called the Hellions. Searching the world over with her powerful telepathic abilities, she located mutants and offered them a place among a team of other mutants. It was learned that although only a handful of Hellions were seen, Frost had recruited many more. However, tragically, nearly all of them were killed by Trevor Fitzroy, who drained their lives for power. Emma was also attacked and thought dead, though it was later revealed that she was actually catatonic. When she awoke due to an electrical discharge from an overloaded machine, she reached out to the nearest mind and took control. This mind, as it turned out, was that of Bobby Drake, the mutant known as Iceman. With her mind in his body, she used his powers in ways that he feared and didn't even realize was possible, as she gained access to her office in Manhattan. There, she learned what happened to her Hellions, and the realization that this could have all been prevented, all their senseless deaths, if she never involved them in her life at all, forced her to have a breakdown. Her mind was eventually placed back in her own body, and she stayed at the mansion for a time.
During this period, the collective alien race known as the Phalanx were impersonating the X-Men, while Banshee and Sabretooth seemed to be the only "real McCoys" in the entire mansion. The three fought together against a common threat, eventually thwarting the Phalanx's attempts to absorb and catalogue the next generation of mutants. Upon their defeat, Banshee and the White Queen became the headmasters of the Massachussettes Academy, training a new group of young mutants as Generation X.
Recently, Emma had some financial difficulties which brought her to seek the aid of her younger sister, Adrienne. Having no other choice but to accept the terms involved in receiving help from her sister, Adrienne became a co-Headmaster along with Emma and Sean, also making the school accessible by normal teenage kids, as the Massachussettes Academy became a sought-after private schooling facility. Emma is still with the team, acting as the Headmaster, teacher, trainer, and has since reformed her villainous ways.