Name: Arthur "Artie" Maddicks
First Appearance: X-Factor #2
Powers/Abilities: Artie can create three-dimensional holograms with his mind, which can depict things he has seen or things from his own imagination. This ability is growing stronger as things progress.
History: Artie was son to a brilliant genetic scientist. Born a normal kid, his mutation triggered being still very young, and his look changed to a weird pink-skinned thing. Then, he stopped talking and could only be understood using his power of projecting images of his thoughts. At first, they were not very precise, but he keeps improving.
From that moment, his father's only target was to revert the mutation of the kid, and so he called his partner, Hank McCoy, an authority in mutations, fooling him to use him as subject of the experiment he was developing. That experiment reverted Hank to his older look: a beast of blue fur, but almost killed him. Then, Carl got murdered and Hank took the child to the X-Factor headquarters, were he met his best friend, Leech.
During the Inferno saga, N'Ashtir tried to kidnap them to make a sacrifice to bring demons down to earth, but they escaped and founded with the help of the elder students the X-Terminators, helping in the fight against the goblins. Later, they returned to the boarding school were the first X-Factor team had sent them in an attempt of giving them a 'normal' life, but somehow, they got caught by the GeneNation, because Artie & Leech represented the last of the Morlocks, and forced them to help against Generation X. Fortunately, the team vanquished their foes and both kids were taken to the Massachussett Academy. They have been with the team ever since and have taken part on numerous adventures.